Catching Up With Got Some
Q: What was the biggest motivation to get you running in 2012?
A: Since my premature retirement from running in fifth grade due to a chicken pox incident that cost me a bronze in the Broadview Olympics, I've longed for glory. Five Against Run is the perfect catalyst to achieve greatness and restore the family name. Plus, I'm tired of being fat.
Q: What are you listening to nowadays that gets you pumped for a good workout? Bieber? Lana Del Ray? Adele?
A: I sense a little Adele sarcasm there. I am in fact rolling in the deep. Whatever the means? Aside from her British heartache I've found inspiration from the likes of Lil Wayne, Five Finger Death Punch, Johnny Cash, Exile, Slipknot, LL Cool J, Jay-Z, and all of Chumbawumba's hits except Tubthumping.
Q: You're in Tennessee now. What have you "volunteered" for lately and do they make everyone "volunteer"?
A: I was advised to check the "Volunteer Box" on my Tennessee Driver's license application and I humbly obliged.
Q: What's the better bar on Broadway in Nashville: Legends Corner, Full Moon Saloon or The Stage? And where would you prefer to finish the night out of the three?
A: Full Moon Saloon for sure. The live acts are better there. But, at the end of the night if I feel like getting shot down by half a dozen of the south's finest I go to The Stage.
Q: Piranha's on 2nd Avenue? I thought their slaw was off. What do you think they need to do with their sandwich to make it more "Primanti's" like?
A: There is no substitution for the original. I guess a temporary solution would be to kidnap the Primanti's cook.
Q: An old nickname a few of us still remember you as is "Rainbow Trout". Do you ask people to refer to you as "Rainbow Trout"?
A: Only when I'm dominating a poker game.
Q: Where did Eddie Murphy's career go wrong?
A: My love for Buckwheat won't allow me to acknowledge this question.
Q: You're running the first leg of the second annual "Five Against Run" relay team. On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited would you be if you lined up next to Ryan Clark of the Steelers?
A: It would be a strong 7. Only because I would be nervous and afraid. He runs people over for a living.
Q: On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you going to be to be lined up next to a guy known as "Dirty Frank"?
A: A dime for sure. To be lined up next to the legend of Dirty Frank would be an honor and a privilege. I can only hope to make him proud.